Saturday, February 26, 2005

Everythings Good

This month has been really good, no real big problems or anything like that. My wife and I have been getting along really well. She has been very stable and other than my step-father stressing us out it has been a pretty relaxing time.

I hope everybody has been having a wonderful new year so far, and thanks to everybody that reads my blog.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Didn't mean to offend anybody.

I haven't been posting anything recently because everything has been really good. I just want to say that I have read all the comments I have recieved and really appreciate it.

I have one problem, one person miss took my last last comment and thought I was calling anybody with BPD nuts. Well I'm sorry but I never said that or think that. What I was trying to say was I myself have to deal with not just my wife but also my own personal problems that have nothing to do with BPD that I am getting overwhelmed with everything.

Thats all that I want to say right now, I trying to deal with my step-father right now and thats stressing my wife and myself out.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Pain is Good?

It has been a quite a few days since I put up a real post, I must say SORRY.

Life is just so unfair!! I said in previous posts that my wife got really angry at me for speaking to my co-worker. Well everything that happened during the last month pretty much revolved around that person. Since everything seems to revolve around me talking to her I have tried to avoid talking to her at all costs, only problem is I feel like I've been kicked into a corner where the only thing I could do is bang my head against the wall and hope that I will wake up in a different world. It seems the better my wife gets I am the one that ends up falling into depression farther and farther. I guess this is something I should not be complaining about too much since she has not done anything to scare me in a long time. I still don't think it's fair!

Last Monday I myself ended up throwing my back out at work, and now am not able to return to work for a while. I'm hoping that I will be well enough to go back on Monday but it depends on what the doctor says. Problem now is that I've lost a week of pay minimum and don't know is if I can keep up with bills, since we have been living pay check to pay check. This is something that I have always been afraid since she got sick. I lost my savings to pay for her medication in the first 3 months of her taking the meds, the costs ended up being 3x my pay per month in the beginning and I have not been able to catch up. So now I have to try to figure out is if I am going to be able to handle this and my own stresses that I deal with already.

If anybody has any ideas to help with this please leave me a comment or email me please!! BEFORE I GO NUTS!!!