Saturday, October 23, 2004

The waiting game

Woke up this morning dreading the day, have to go to the dentist, get hair cut, etc..
As usual she's still asleep. Yesterday she was able to see her regular Pychiatrist, and as I thought he thinks she should be placed in the hospital for a few days. I really hate the previous doctor, never listened or really cared (just what I think) about her, at least this one takes the time to make it seem like he cares. So she has decided that it might be a good idea but there are no available beds open, have to wait for a phone call. I hate to say it but sooner the better, I personally needs some time for myself, or to just meet my friends, even if it is only a couple days. Well got lots to do and little time.

Just want to thank people for the comments, I am reading them and they are helpful.


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